Copy and Paste this into a new topic titled like this: "your name here" App. or "your name here" Application
What is your GameSpy ID:Luis
Do you have a Mic / Headset? :no
What time zone do you live in?(Eastern,Central, Mountain, or Pacific):central i think
Have you been in another SWBF2 clan before, if yes state their tag(s):rla 3jd jod tdx
Where did you hear about {EGS}? :mr.gothic
Why should we give you a tryout to join {EGS}? : because i feel that egs is my thing i dont know how
What other systems do you have? (Xbox 360, PS3, etc.):none lol
What is your AIM name? : luis
What will you provide {EGS} with? (server, strategies, guidence, leadership, etc.) :server
What is the best time for you to get on? :every day at 1:30
What is the worst time for you to get on? :i will always get on
Rate your Jedi skill level on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest 10 being the highest (be honest!):5
Rate your Sith skill level on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest 10 being the highest (be honest!):4